At a very young age, she began dance, singing and artistic gymnastics classes, which she combined with different disciplines during her adolescence.
She gets her first role in a musical presented at the Teatro de Madrid, En el nombre de la Infanta Carlota' (Directed by Javier Muñoz). (Dir. Javier Muñoz), a production that would be followed by 'High School Musical'. High School Musical in an adaptation by Ariel del Mastro, as well as 'La Llamada'. La Llamada' (The Call)by Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo, which would earn her the Fotograma de Plata Award for Best Actress in Theater (2013).
Very soon he would begin to find his first participations in television projects among which stand out episodic ones such as Hospital Central, 'Punta Escarlata' and y El Internado'. One of his first leading roles for the small screen comes with 'El Pacto'. El Pacto' (Telecinco).(Telecinco), and her popularity would continue to grow with renowned productions such as 'Amar en tiempos revueltos' (Love in troubled times)(RTVE), Luna, el misterio de Calenda' (Antena 3), 'Luna, el misterio de Calenda' (Antena 3)(Antena 3), 'Paquita Salas' (Paquita Salas)(Netflix), 'B&B, de boca en boca' (Globomedia), 'B&B, de boca en boca' (Globomedia)(Globomedia), 'La otra mirada' (La 1)(La 1) and 'La Mesías' (Movistar+)(Movistar+), by the Javis.
His film debut was with Blancanieves' (Dir. Pablo Berger), in which she starred. (Dir. Pablo Berger), in which she starred and which led her to win the Goya Award for Best Newcomer Actress and the Silver Shell for Best Actress at the San Sebastian International Film Festival (2012).
This title was followed by works such as Todos están muertos' (They are all dead) (directed by Beatriz Sanchís); 'Villaviciosa de al lado' (Villaviciosa de al lado) (Dir. Nacho G. Velilla); 'La Llamada' (The Call) (Dir. Javier Ambrossi, Javier Calvo); A pesar de todo' (Gabriela Tagliavin); 'A pesar de todo' (Gabriela Tagliavin). (Dir. Gabriela Tagliavini); 'Ventajas de viajar en tren' (Advantages of Traveling by Train) (Dir. Aritz Moreno), 'Un Hipster en la España Vacía' (A Hipster in Empty Spain) (Dir. Emilio Martínez-Lázaro), and 'Casa en flames' (House in flames) (Dir. Dani de la Orden), work that would earn her her second Goya Award nomination (2025) now for Best Supporting Actress.