He is one of the most complete actors to be found on the current scene. He has moved from acting to directing, writing and painting.
He began his career in theater and television participations, such as the series La Granja, menjars casolans' (TV3) and 'La Granja, menjars casolans' (TV3).(TV3) and Justicia Ciega' (TV3) and 'Justicia Ciega' (TV3)(TV3), prior to the first great work of his career: his debut on the big screen with Jamón, jamón' (Dir. Bigas Luna). (Dir. Bigas Luna, which would put him in the spotlight of the industry.
From then on, his career has been almost entirely built around filmmaking. As an actor, he lists outstanding titles such as The Flower of My Secret' (Dir. Pedro Almodóvar); 'The Flower of My Secret' (Dir. Pedro Almodóvar) (dir. Pedro Almodóvar); 'Volavérunt' (Dir. Bigas Luna) (Dir. Bigas Luna); Blow' (Dir. Ted Demme). (Dir. Ted Demme), sharing credits with Johnny Depp and Penélope Cruz; 'Bad Boys II' (Dir. Michael Bay); 'Bad Boys II' (Dir. (dir. Michael Bay); 'The Tulse Luper Suitcases' (Dir. Peter Greenaway). (dir. Peter Greenaway); 'Elizabeth: The Golden Age' (dir. Shekhar Kapur), starring Cate Blanchett; 'A Gun in Each Hand' (dir. Cesc Gay); 'In the Heart of the Sea' (Dir. Ron Howard) (dir. Ron Howard), also starring Chris Hemsworth; 'Ant-Man' (dir. Peyton Reed), with Paul Rudd; 'Sundown' (dir. Fernando Lebrija); 'Treintona, soltera y fantástica' (Dir. Chava Cartas). (dir. Chava Cartas); 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote'. (Dir. Terry Guilliam); 'Niente di serio' (Niente di serio) (Dir. Laszlo Barbo); and 'Pet Shop Days' (Dir. Olmo Schnabel); and (Dir. Olmo Schnabel), among others.
His directorial debut is Walter Peraltaa title to which are added I Wouldn't Mind Going With You y '88'which he also wrote; and No somos nadie' , which she also stars in.which he also stars in.
He has been nominated five times to the Goya Awards: with the short film Walter Peralta' (Dir. Jordi Mollà) for Best Documentary Short Film (1993) (Dir. Jordi Mollà) for Best Documentary Short Film (1993); with the titles La Celestina' (La Celestina) (Dir. Gerardo Vera) as Best Supporting Male Performance ( 1996); 'La buena estrella' (The Good Star) (Dir. Ricardo Franco) as Best Leading Male Performance ( 1997); 'Segunda Piel' (Second Skin) (Dir. Gerardo Vera), for Best Leading Male Performance (1999); and with The Consul of Sodom' (El cónsul de Sodoma) (Dir. Sigfrid Monleón) for Best Male Performance in a Leading Role (2009).
With almost 30 years of artistic career, Mollà has nearly 80 projects that make it clear that versatility is one of his calling cards.