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Privacy Notice is the site operated and owned by Talent On The Road Management, S.A. DE C.V. with address located at Heriberto Frias 846, Colonia del Valle, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, Mexico City, Postal Code 03100 (hereinafter "Talent on the Road").

Talent on the Road is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data.In Talent on the Road Management we understand the importance of making a good use and care of the personal data of all those who participate in the intermediation and offering of talent for the provision of artistic services provided here; so we are committed to carry out the processing of personal data of our visitors, customers, partners, represented and all those who share Personal Data (hereinafter "The Holders") in a lawful, confidential and in accordance with the current Legal Provisions.

Therefore, we inform you that this Privacy Notice has been prepared in accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, the Regulations of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and the applicable regulations on the Protection of Personal Data ("the Legal Provisions").

Talent on the Road is the company responsible for collecting, using, processing and protecting the personal data of the Data Controllers, likewise, to revoke your consent as well as to request that the use or disclosure of such data be limited, you may contact the Person Responsible for Personal Data of Talent on the Road, with address located at Heriberto Frias 846, Colonia del Valle, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, Mexico City, Postal Code 03100, with e-mail contact:

Consent of the Holder: The Holders shall be deemed to have given their consent to this Privacy Notice and its amendments, if the Holders have not expressly objected to the Privacy Notice.

Personal data subject to processing: Talent on the Road t, which may collect personal data from the Data Controllers through its website, email and by signing the respective contracts, personally, directly and indirectly, as the case may be.

The personal data that Talent on the Road may collect from the Holders, in accordance with the purposes of this Privacy Notice, will be the following:

a) Full name.
b) Date of birth.
c) Address.
d) Federal Taxpayers Registry.
e) Copy of official identification.
f) Contact information, telephone numbers (personal and/or work), e-mails (personal and/or work).
e-mails (personal and/or work).
g) Signature (autographic electronic and/or digital).
h) Bank information related to the forms of payment, credit, debit or service card numbers and
credit, debit or service card numbers and security number, bank account, CLABE account and name of financial institution.
name of financial institution.
i) Gender.
j) In addition to the aforementioned personal data, for the purposes informed in the
purposes informed in this Privacy Notice we will use the following personal data considered as sensitive, which require special protection: illnesses you suffer from, allergies and medications you take.
allergies and medications you are currently taking; nationality, height, weight, skin color or scars.

Talent on the Road will only collect the following sensitive personal data:
(a) Photograph,
b) Image,
c) Video recording, and/or
d) Voice recordings.

Only when it is necessary for the Holder to be able to offer the representation services that have been contracted in accordance with the applicable legislation, for which the corresponding Privacy Notice will be notified and the Holder's express consent will be obtained.

On the other hand, Talent on the Road may collect information related to minors, provided that it receives the consent directly from the persons exercising parental authority or, where appropriate, guardians.

Purposes of processing: For the legal purposes related to this Privacy Notice, the Data Controllers are informed that their personal data will be used for the following primary purposes:

a) For the provision of services that Talent on the Road offers to the Holders, either through its web page, directly, via telephone, e-mail or video call.
video call.

b) To offer the services of the talent in works, films, television series or radio programs to potential clients or representatives.
radio programs to potential clients or representatives.

c) To send quotations, process service requests, follow up on the status of the same and coordinate their processing to the Holders.

d) To carry out the payment and invoicing processes requested by the Holders.

e) To offer the services of writers, screenwriters and directors to potential future clients or representatives in works, films, television series or programs.
future clients or representatives, in plays, films, television series or radio programs.
radio programs.

f) To register as a talent subject to representation by Talent on the Road in order to offer their services to
to offer their services to potential clients belonging to film, television and radio production houses,
television and radio production companies.

g) To communicate production materials of our services.

h) To comply with the obligations set forth in the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Transactions with
Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin and applicable regulations.
and applicable regulations.

i) For purposes of security and verification or accreditation of compliance with obligations.

j) To comply with applicable legal obligations under Mexican law and the requirements of the competent authorities.
Mexican legislation and the requirements of the competent authorities.
Also, the personal data collected may be used for the following secondary purposes:

a) To send advertising related to the services, current or future, that Talent on the Road offers to The Holders.

b) To send communications to Registrants regarding potential clients interested in Talent's artistic services, writers, writers, screenwriters and directors, interested production houses, awards and special events.
Talent's artistic services, writers, screenwriters and directors, interested production houses, awards and special Talent on the Road events.

c) To analyze the background and characteristics of the artistic services offered by The Registrants in order to develop personalized advertising to their tastes, preferences and needs, facilitating the representation offered by Talent on the Road.

d) To collect, store, use and process the data of the Holders in a database in order to create accounts or profiles with the history of the artistic services that are of interest to the Holders, being able to use such data for marketing, statistical and prospecting purposes.

In the event that any of the Data Subjects do not agree with the use of their personal data for one or more of the secondary purposes, they may limit the use of their personal data, for which they must inform the Personal Data Protection Department of Talent on the Road, by sending an e-mail to the following address:, the Personal Data Protection Department of Talent on the Road shall provide the Data Subjects with information on the procedure to carry out such limitation of their personal data.

Transfer of data: The Holders are hereby informed that their personal data may be transferred to third parties within and outside the country, for the following purposes:

1. Subsidiaries, affiliates and/or business partners of Talent on the Road Management, film, television, radio or theater production companies.
For the offering of the artistic services of the talent, writers, scriptwriters and directors, the disclosure of such data with the clients of the services of the Holder of the same is expressly authorized.

2. Banking Institutions.
For the processing of payment obligations arising from the marketing of artistic services offered by the Holders represented by Talent on the Road Management. Talent on the Road Management will ensure that such third parties maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures to process the personal data of the Holders, in accordance with the purposes for which they were collected and in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
Privacy Notice.

In the event that Talent on the Road Management needs to transfer data to other third parties, it must obtain the prior consent of the Data Subjects and inform them of the purposes for which their data will be transferred.

Additionally, Talent on the Road Management may share the data subjects' personal data with public bodies and institutions, public authorities or other organizations, without the need for authorization, when there is a legal requirement to do so.

Rights of the Data Subject: Talent on the Road Management informs the Data Subjects that, in accordance with the Legal Provisions, they may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition ("ARCO Rights"), which consist of: knowing the personal data that was collected and the way it is used (Access); requesting the correction of their information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); the cessation of use and the partial or total elimination of the information that Talent on the Road
Management has in its database (Cancellation); as well as to oppose, partially or totally, to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition).

The Holders shall be solely responsible for keeping their information updated, accurate and complete, so that in case it is necessary to correct their data, they must inform Talent on the Road so that they can proceed to make the corresponding modifications. Talent on the Road shall have no liability whatsoever for incorrect or inaccurate information received by the Holders.

In order to exercise any of these rights or revoke their consent, the Holders should send an email to the following email address:

In the case of ARCO Rights, the Data Subject must send to said e-mail, the written document referring to the right of access, right of rectification or right of cancellation or opposition that he/she wishes to assert.

Talent on the Road Management or the person it assigns to answer queries, shall respond to the request within a period of no more than 20 business days, informing the Data Subjects of the decision taken.

In the event that the Data Subjects exercise their rights of cancellation, opposition or wish to revoke their consent, Talent on the Road Management will comply with the respective procedures established in the Legal Provisions and may only retain the minimum information required to comply with its legal obligations.

Security measures: Talent on the Road informs the owners that their personal data are treated with the utmost confidentiality by its collaborators and employees, with whom they have confidentiality obligations for the processing of personal data collected in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Talent on the Road is committed to take administrative, technical and physical security measures it deems necessary and sufficient to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or unauthorized treatment, ensure the confidentiality and security of information, which will be stored in a computer database that has the necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized use.
necessary to prevent unauthorized use.

For clarity Talent on the Road will not adopt lesser security measures than those it maintains for the handling of its own information. Likewise, it will take into account the existing risk, the possible consequences for the Holders, the sensitivity of the data and the technological development.

In the event of any type of breach (whether due to carelessness, negligence or hacking) to the security measures adopted by Talent on the Road, Talent on the Road undertakes to identify, contain, mitigate and recover the personal data that has been subject to the breach. Subsequently, it will promptly notify the affected Data Subjects of the breach and the type of data that has been stolen, as well as follow the guidelines and directives established by the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) in order to take the necessary legal measures to respond to the data breach.

In order to enable Data Subjects to limit the use and disclosure of their personal information, we offer the following means:

- Your registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is in charge of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency.
Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor), so that your personal data will not be used to
be used to receive advertising or promotions of goods or services companies.
services. For more information about this registry, you may consult the following web site
or you can contact PROFECO directly.

- Your registration in the exclusion list "Exclusion List", so that your personal data will not be processed for marketing, advertising or prospecting purposes.
your personal data will not be processed by us for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting
commercial purposes by us. For further information, please send an e-mail to
following address

Use of technologies: It is made known to the Holders that the Talent on the Road Management website does not use cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies, in order to assess the tastes and preferences of visitors to it.

Modifications to the Privacy Notice: This Privacy Notice may be modified, changed or updated as a result of new legal requirements or new privacy practices implemented by Talent on the Road Management. All modifications to this Privacy Notice will be published and may be consulted on the following web page:

Last updated:
August 01, 2023.

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